
Showing posts from November, 2018

Game Design Mechanics I'd like to see in VR.

It's interesting to see how some video game designers are switching roles and helping to develop board games. Ever since the very first video game RPG's it was clearly understood that these developers played and referenced D&D. So it seems the more people are coming back to board games, and more of these people want to play games based on videogames. Life really does imitate Art. Game design is the art of applying design and aesthetics to create a game for entertainment or for educational, exercise, or experimental purposes. Increasingly, elements and principles of game design are also applied to other interactions, particularly virtual ones using gamification. Game design creates goals, rules and challenges to define a board game, card game, dice game, casino game, role-playing game, sport, video game, war game or simulation that produces desirable interactions among its participants and, possibly, spectators. Academically, game design is part of game studies, while game...

Sometimes you just gotta move on.

As one thing finishes, another more exciting thing starts. Making the decision to leave my last job was a tough one and it's taken a few months for me to accept this (and catch up on Netflix and Breath of the Wild). Working in a dream job is a once in a lifetime experience and I learnt a lot, but it is time to use my skills and do the projects that I want to do. Now, I have the fantastic opportunity to workout where that new career path is going. Currently, I know it involves VR, Game design, 3D printing and this studio: Watch this space.