
Showing posts from December, 2018

'Gamedev' is my new favourite youtube channel!

Share the love! I've recently discovered this channel 'Gamedev' after watching way to many videos from 'Extra Credits'. Still it's all about video game design, but has some really cool stuff. These are some tips from their Video Game Designer: Become One in 2018 Check out the full video below: Game design is the core of any game experience.   The design team is crucial to the development of any game.   Usually Game Designers spend many years learning all the  necessary  skills.   Make your own games. Find new features and cool game play mechanics.   The risks and rewards of being a Game Designer. Please check out the channel for more great videos. I've learnt a lot in the last few hours and I'm sure you can too!

Game Design Development Notes

Making games is fun, rewarding and satisfying. But, getting to a finished product is stressful, expensive and takes a long time. These are some simple things to keep in mind when you start the process. Always have a target market audience in mind. Obviously make the game you want to make but be aware of market trends and and which existing games are doing well. It's always easier to adapt and successful idea than make a new one from scratch. Start small and keep it simple, work out your core game design principle and then build one feature at a time. Create a minimum viable product before you even get into visualization. Prototyping and frequent playtesting is crucial. Make sure each feature is solid and don't get too attached to ideas that keep holding up development. Iterate, adapt or just let them go. Training tutorials and well explained concepts, with feedback loops are important at the start of games but intuitive design can overcome a lot of basic obstacles....