
Showing posts from September, 2019

Nvidia Ansel UE4 plugin

Oh how I love Ansel.  Every few months I come back to it to have a play, take some more stereo 360 environment shots and keep tinkering with it. The following documentation has helped incredibly  and hopefully will help you too! Source: The following console variables are available for configuring the behavior of the NVIDIA Ansel Photography Plugin and can be set manually from the console, through your .ini files, or dynamically by a Blueprint. Most of them should be configured during development instead of at runtime, though  r.Photography.Allow  is useful to set dynamically. r.Photography.Available  (Read-only) If 1, the photography system is potentially available to the user. Otherwise, a functioning back-end is not available. This is set to 1 when the plugin is enabled. r.Photography.Allow If 1, allows a photography session to potentially be started by...