How to Plan your Level Design and Game Environment

So, we have been trying to get a new project off the ground. It's taking a while because of a number of issues outside of our control but the most important thing is planning. Some things to think about are: What are you creating? Build a working foundation. The scale of project and timescale implications. 1. The idea. - What do you want to create? A creative idea won't just magically appear just because you are at work or in a creative zone. They will happen anytime, any place. Just learn to recognize that all these things are connected, and subconsciously you are thinking about the project. Anything can become a game environment. make sure you record all of your ideas. I use 'google keep' on my phone. Here are some examples of inspiration. Movies Photographs Architecture Travel History Concept Art Stories Books Comics TV shows The internet. Pinterest is amazing for gathering ideas. Life Experiences 2. Purpose and Features - Why do you want t...