Peach fuzz
This is from an excellent article I found about creating realistic character faces by Vadim Sorici. I would recommend reading the original post first, as this one is more of a reminder for future self if I need to come back to relearn it. Peach fuzz is known as Vellus hair, which are short, thin, translucent hairs that cover a person’s body. They’re very subtle, however they can be prominent on some faces. I used Zbrush’s FiberMesh to create my peach fuzz. There’s no secret technique to fake it, it’s simply a lot of geometry. The key is to nail the density and length. You can download my Fibermesh preset and skin material here . The Fibermesh preset should work right out of the box, with possible adjustments to length according to your needs. I’ve discovered that tubes work better than planes. Although, I plan to run more tests using planes to make them look just as good due to the high poly...