UE4 Game Mechanics - Death Race '89

So Death Race '89 is a combination of several game mechanics.I aim of the game is to be the first to cross the finish line. However, you must push two alternating keys to move, and have a chance of automatically dying and returning to the start with every keystroke.

Combine with with four players and let the mayhem start!

It's called Death Race '89 because you have to press the alternating keys 89 times.

This is the blueprint for a single mesh object to move along the spline using a timeline, duration and a track reference.

Two inputs nodes which use a branch condition to alternate adding a movement value. The the rest of the movement spline blueprint is the same.

So once you get to the finish line, we need a winner.

This blueprint uses a collision box to display the winning text and then 8 seconds later restart the level.

Finally, use the disable input command in the level blueprint for all players!

Fun times!

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