Substance Painter 2019.3

A few days ago the latest update of Substance painter was released. And man is it good! Substance Painter 2019.3 introduces Photoshop brush presets support and automatic UV unwrapping for your meshes. Yes, you read that right. SP can now automatically unwrap your mesh, and it's pretty good too! As well as delivers various quality of life improvements.

Photoshop Brush Presets Support (ABR)
You can now use your Photoshop brushes in Substance Painter. By simply exporting your presets as an ABR file, you can now import them as regular brush presets. Presets contained inside ABR files will appear in the Shelf as individual brush presets.

If you don't have ABR files to import, you can find a lot of them online:
Kyle's Brush Presets on Adobe
Brush Presets on ArtStation
Brush Presets on DeviantArt
Brush Presets on Cubebrush

Support for Roundness and Flip
A new Substance Alpha named Brush Maker Photoshop has been added to support parameters such as Roundness (scale the height of the Alpha) and Flip (mirror an image on both axes). This Substance Alpha is automatically loaded when clicking on a brush preset coming from an ABR file.

New gamma correction for alpha channel of layers
Photoshop doesn't blend its brush strokes in Linear Gamma space, which means blending and opacity may look wrong when painting with a Photoshop brush preset. A new setting can be enabled on layers to match that behavior and apply a gamma correction. This will affect the alpha used to paintbrush strokes, as well as how the layer's mask is used to blend with other layers, however, layer's blending modes will still operate in Linear gamma space.
To activate this setting, simply right-click on a layer and choose Gamma corrected alpha/mask. A new icon will appear next to the layer to indicate when this setting is enabled.

For more information, such as how to export ABR files and import them, take a look at the Photoshop Brush Presets documentation.

Pen pressure curves
In the contextual toolbar, it is now possible to define how the pen pressure should be interpreted. These new settings control how fast the pressure build-up which allows different painting styles.
Linear: No transformation, the pressure it retrieved as provided by the graphic tablet's pen. Use this setting in case a Pen pressure curve is already defined in the Tablet drivers settings.
Ease In (default): Slow down the beginning of the pressure, making it easier to paint thin or faint strokes.
Ease In Out: Slow down the beginning of the pressure and speed up it's ending, making it easier to paint soft or strong strokes.

Automatic UV Unwrapping

Substance Painter will now automatically unwrap meshes that are missing UV coordinates. This makes it possible to import any kind of geometry and immediately start to paint. The UV Unwrapping system will generate one UV island per sub-mesh while still following the material assignation to create Texture Sets.

It is, however, possible to disable this behavior by going into the main settings and disabling Enable automatic UV unwrapping under Import Options.

Updated "Meet Mat" sample project

Mat has been updated with a new topology, making it more friendly with displacement. The ID map has been reworked to offer more masking possibilities and a new set of Cameras is available in the project to offer new viewing angles.

New filters
3 new filters have been added to make stylized content easier:

MatFx Comic Book
This filter simulates hatching and edge lines based on the input provided (from the base color/diffuse to the curvature).

MatFx Watercolor
This filter simulates watercolor painting with color bleeding and paper absorption by reading the input color.

MatFx Oil Paint
Inspired by Emrecan Cubukcu's work, this filter reads the color information from the input and translates it into brush strokes based on various parameters. Multiple presets are available to easily try out variations. We recommend combining it with the Baked Lighting Environment filter or to manually bake/paint shadows in your textures to maximize its effect.

102 Photoshop brush presets
With the introduction of the photoshop brush support, a new set of presets has been included to showcase it. Those presets are been selected from Kyle T. Webster's packs available on Adobe website.

18 new brush presets

In addition to the Photoshop brush presets, new more regular presets have been added:

Paint Roller Warning Text

New alphas
In addition to the alphas used to create the new brush presets (see above) two new important Alpha have been integrated:

Brush Maker Photoshop
This new Substance graph replicates some specific brush parameters available in Photoshop via the Dynamic Stroke feature. With it is possible to control the Roundness and the Flip or an input image. Some jitter parameter are also available to create more variations. This Substance graph is automatically inserted in the Alpha section when clicking on a Photoshop brush preset coming from an ABR file.

Brush Maker Paint Roller
This new Substance graph simulates a Paint Roller (or simple Ribbon tool) to paint continuous patterns with turns without breaking. To make the setup easier take a look at existing presets or refer to the graph description. Enable the Lazy Mouse to make the roll brush draw properly without creating break-ups.

New "UV Checker" generator
A new generator named "UV checker" has been integrated to help analyze the mesh UV coordinates. This make the UVs generated by our Automatic UV Unwrapping easier to understand.

Amazing update. Substance painter you rock!

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